Next Level Part 1 album cover artwork for KD Soundsystem. A collection of 15 tunes to keep you warm and dancing through the seasons.
DJ's Addik & Ruben asked me to create the look and feel for their 2023 releases (singles and album) and tour collateral. I created the KD logo that acted as an anchor that could bring the collection together visually. Combining my illustrations and animations with photos and imagery that reflected the eclectic fun energy that the group, made up of dancers, djs, mcs and singers bring to the stage.
Content created: Cover Artwork, Animated Social Media Teasers & Streaming Canvases.
Technique: Hand Drawn & Photo Collage
below are some single covers created for the album
(each included static artwork and animation for promo in 1'1, 9'16 & 16'9 formats for all platforms)